Bobbi Sloan Photography / Okanagan Newborn Photographer / Oliver – Penticton BC Newborn Photographer / Sweet boy is born…….Introducing Kale!

Whew, what a whirlwind month I have had! This sweet little guy is my very own! He is now a month old! He is my second, I also have a 22 month old daughter that absolutely adores her baby brother. I am so proud of them both and I can wait to watch them bond over the years to come. He is a perfect little sleeper (except during his newborn session with me, its SUPER hard to do your own newborn photos as they “smell” mom and don’t want to sleep!).  BUT I won and got all the photos I was hoping for, but it took me many attempts!





My outdoor newborn session

I had the opportunity to take this little angel outdoors to play with some outdoor photos! I am in love with photographing newborns in the outdoors and will definitely continue to focus on this going forward. We have such a unique environment here in the Okanagan that there is so many outdoor “backdrops” to choose from, and I don’t have to pay for shipping! lol Thank you to the beautiful Annika for being such a peaceful sleeper for me and thank you to her gorgeous mamma and grandparents for allowing me to snuggle with her for awhile!



Love me some newborn snuggles!!!

I swore I was going to keep up on updates on my blog, but I have been so crazy lately that I hardly have time to edit. But that’s good right!!! I have completely ignored my facebook page, without sharing any recent photos!  Actually last week was officially the end of my extended maternity leave from my “real job” and the “official” end of my long term career as a Financial Planner, a very bittersweet moment for me and mixed emotions over the whole thing. However I have been blessed with this amazing opportunity to photograph newborns and have found my true passion, the thing that fills my heart with so much happiness and love! And strange enough, I am not even sure how it all started……I actually just wanted to take some courses so I could do my own newborn photos for my daughter, and now here I am. I love getting the chance to meet these beautiful families, that are so in love and so happy with the new sweet blessing they have been given. Yes, mind you they go home and don’t get to sleep for the next couple months and that all changes, but I don’t see that part!!! haha. Seriously, it awakens me and allows me to appreciate how amazing life can be, and I get to step back and see lifes true joys.

Thank you Thank you Thank you for reminding me everyday that life is amazing :O)



Kids and Babies :O)

Its been awhile since I did an update on here, so it’s time. We have had a very rainy and cloudy spring for the Okanagan, which suits this Sunshine-loving girl just fine, as I have been busy with photography and haven’t had much of a chance to get outdoors. That being said, I am now 28 weeks pregnant and I think its starting to catch up with me, so I have a little mini vacation planned next week and plan to try to get in some pool time.

I have limited space available this year as I am almost booked up, if you are expecting or plan to have photos done, please contact me asap to arrange so I can ensure a space for you!

And I can’t say it enough, I am so blessed to get to work with such beautiful families.  I left my full time career back in January and I have realized how incredibly blessed I have been to get to do this as my “work”. I love every single second of spending time with each and every person I have photographed. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for allowing me into your lives to capture those moments with you, and getting in front of that camera isn’t an easy thing to do!


Been a busy May!

Wow, I have had a fantastic month so far! I have gotten to meet so many adorable babies and such beautiful families! Each and everyone has been so fun to work with. I have so much share, many are surprises for Father’s Day, so those will have to wait (so dad’s don’t see!) but over the next few weeks I promise to quit neglecting my blog! (well, I will try really hard! haha). I have been super busy, doing photography full time (wow!) but this pregnant momma is starting to get tired :O)

Thanks for visiting and enjoy!!!



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